SKU AM-AC-032-ASY-0100
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Cut the weight of your cleats in half with 3D printed 6al/4v Titanium cleats. Internal lattice structure provides incredible strength while keeping the weight as low as just 24g.
Traditionally, mountain cleats have only had two material options. Mild steel and brass. This has largely been to ensure that the cleat wore out faster than the pedal interface, but has left us with cleats that are often times very fast wearing, and in all cases, are quite heavy.
ÔªøNow we couldn't just stop there, but by combining 3D printing technology with this material that is 1/3 lighter than steel, we are able to achieve a cleat with internal lattice structure (called a gyroid) which maintains stiffness and strength while reducing weight to create a cleat set that is HALF the weight of a standard cleat set.
ÔªøThis savings of 25-30 grams per set of cleats is significant over time, particularly in CX events where running is crucial.
25gm reduction x 100 rpm = 180kg of mass not lifted per hour of riding, 90kg per leg!
NOTE:  Packaging indicates 6Nm max torque, but further testing has shown that torque up to 10Nm is acceptable and may be necessary on very hard carbon fiber soles.  Please grease threads and under the screw head at assembly to ensure consistent screw tension for a given torque.  Also, with harder soles, we recommend re-tightening the cleats after 24 hours or your first ride as screw tension may be reduced by the cleat pins impinging into the shoe sole.